Eldon Road Baptist Church is located in the heart of the Wood Green community. We welcome people who have a faith, those who don’t have one and people who want to explore who Jesus is.
We are ordinary people who follow an extraordinary God.
- Jesus gives us forgiveness for past mistakes, strength for each day, and a hope for the future. This is good news, and we want to share it with others.
- We believe that God speaks to people today – through the Bible, our fellow believers, and the Holy Spirit as we pray.
- We believe that God’s Holy Spirit lives in every believer, regardless of age, sex, race, disability, status or background.
- Worship does not just happen in church. We seek to be a supportive family – on a Sunday and throughout the week. We show God’s love to people in practical ways, to help them recognize and honour him, as God works with us in our world.
- As Baptists, we believe that baptism is an important public declaration for young people and adults who have chosen to trust and follow Jesus. We do not baptise (‘christen’) babies. We hold services to ‘bless’ them, as Jesus did.
Eldon Road Baptist Church is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and the London Baptist Association.

What do we want to be?
- To be a beacon of light in our community of Wood Green shining into the wider World.

What are we here to do?
- To be family to all.
- To bring people to Jesus.
- To make disciples equipped for 21st Century living.
- To show God’s love to the wider world through prayer & practical action.

What qualities are important as we do this?
- Inclusive & diverse.
- Servant hearted, using the gifts God has given us.
- Grounded in the Bible – the word of God – the teachings of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Loving our neighbour as our self.
Our church’s leadership consists of our Pastor, Andrew Maynard, and a dedicated team of Deacons who oversee the management and running of the church.
- Mr Andrew Maynard (Minister in Training)
- Deacon